Description : Implementation Dominant Frequency Extraction Using the YIN-Algorithm.
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Ayoub Malek. This source code is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. For a copy, see <>.
- spafe.frequencies.dominant_frequencies.get_dominant_frequencies(sig: ndarray, fs: int, butter_filter: bool = False, lower_cutoff: float = 50, upper_cutoff: float = 3000, nfft: int = 512, win_len: float = 0.025, win_hop: float = 0.01, win_type: typing_extensions.Literal[hanning, bartlet, kaiser, blackman, hamming] = 'hamming', only_positive: bool = True) ndarray [source]#
Returns a list of dominant audio frequencies of a given wave file based on [Rastislav] and [Luca].
- Parameters
sig (numpy.ndarray) β a mono audio signal (Nx1) from which to compute features.
fs (int) β sampling rate (= average number of samples pro 1 sec)
butter_filter (bool) β choose whether to apply a Butterworth filter or not. (Default is False).
lower_cutoff (float) β filter lower cut-off frequency. (Default is 50).
upper_cutoff (float) β filter upper cot-off frequency. (Default is 3000).
nfft (int) β number of FFT points. (Default is 512).
win_len (float) β window length in sec. (Default is 0.025).
win_hop (float) β step between successive windows in sec. (Default is 0.01).
win_type (str) β window type to apply for the windowing. (Default is βhammingβ).
only_positive (bool) β if True then returns only positive frequncies. (Default is True).
- Returns
array of dominant frequencies.
- Return type
- Rastislav
: Rastislav T. (2013). Dominant Frequency Extraction. CoRR, abs/1306.0103.
- Luca
: Luca, The exact definition of dominant frequency?
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import read from spafe.frequencies.dominant_frequencies import get_dominant_frequencies # init vars nfft = 512 win_len = 0.020 win_hop = 0.010 # read audio fpath = "../../../tests/data/test.wav" fs, sig = read(fpath) # compute dominant frequencies dominant_frequencies = get_dominant_frequencies(sig, fs, butter_filter=False, lower_cutoff=0, upper_cutoff=fs/2, nfft=nfft, win_len=win_len, win_hop=win_hop, win_type="hamming") # compute FFT, Magnitude, Power spectra fourrier_transform = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(sig, nfft)) magnitude_spectrum = fourrier_transform[:int(nfft / 2) + 1] power_spectrum = (1.0 / nfft) * np.square(fourrier_transform) power_spectrum = 20*np.log10(power_spectrum) freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(power_spectrum.size, 1/fs) idx = np.argsort(freqs) # plot fmin = 500 fmax = 1500 y = power_spectrum x = freqs idx = np.argsort(freqs) plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4)) plt.plot(x[idx], y[idx], "g") plt.axis((fmin-10, fmax+10, 0, max(y)*(1.1))) for i, dom_freq in enumerate(np.unique(dominant_frequencies)): if (fmin < dom_freq < fmax): plt.vlines(x=dom_freq, ymin=0, ymax=max(y), colors="red", linestyles=":") plt.text(dom_freq, max(y) , "({:.1f})".format(dom_freq)) plt.grid() plt.title("Dominant frequencies (Hz)") plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") plt.ylabel("Spectrum amplitude")