Whisper based speech recognition server#

In the last blog post: Token authenticated aiohttp server, an authenticated aiohttp server was introduced. In this post, we build on top of the previous posts, to create an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) authenticated server, that uses the newly introduced whisper by OpenAI.

Speech recognition implementation#

There are different approaches to implement this. The choice here is arbitrary, I chose whisper since it is accurate and simple to integrate. One way to implement this is to use the whisper transcribe function. This can be done as follows:

 1 import io
 2 import sys
 3 import time
 4 import asyncio
 5 import logging
 6 import whisper
 7 import subprocess
 8 import soundfile as sf
11 # load model
12 model = whisper.load_model("base")
14 async def stt(request):
15     """
16     Speech to text routine to transcribe incoming wave audio and deliver
17     the resulting text in return.
19     Args:
20         request.
22     Returns:
23         Json response.
24     """
25     response = {}
26     stime = time.time()
27     bytes_data = await request.content.read()
28     logger.debug("size of received bytes data: " + str(sys.getsizeof(bytes_data)) + " bytes")
30     try:
31         # save temp file
32         audio, fs = sf.read(io.BytesIO(bytes_data), dtype="float32")
33         result = model.transcribe(audio=audio)
34         texts = result['text']
35         tproc      = round(time.time() - stime, 3)
36         response   = {"text": ' '.join(texts), "proc_duration": tproc, "status": "success"}
38     except Exception as e:
39         response   = {"Error": str(e), "status": "failed"}
40         logger.error("-> Errror :" + str(e))
42     return web.json_response(response)

The config#

We will be using the same config specified in Token authenticated aiohttp server/config Note the allowed_tokens sections, that can be replaced by your own server allowed tokens.


The previously listed steps, should look together in Python as follows:

  1import io
  2import sys
  3import json
  4import time
  5import asyncio
  6import logging
  7import whisper
  8import subprocess
  9import soundfile as sf
 10from aiohttp import web
 11from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Tuple
 14# init loggging
 15logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 16logging.basicConfig(format="[%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d] p%(process)s {%(pathname)s: %(funcName)s: %(lineno)d}: %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %p %I:%M:%S")
 19# load model
 20model = whisper.load_model("base")
 22# parse conf
 23with open("config.json", "rb") as config_file:
 24    conf = json.loads(config_file.read())
 26def ping(request):
 27    logger.debug("-> Received PING")
 28    response = web.json_response({"text": "pong", "status": "success"})
 29    return response
 31async def stt(request):
 32    """
 33    Speech to text routine to transcribe incoming wave audio and deliver
 34    the resulting text in return.
 36    Args:
 37        request.
 39    Returns:
 40        Json response.
 41    """
 42    response = {}
 43    stime = time.time()
 44    bytes_data = await request.content.read()
 45    logger.debug("size of received bytes data: " + str(sys.getsizeof(bytes_data)) + " bytes")
 47    try:
 48        # save temp file
 49        audio, fs = sf.read(io.BytesIO(bytes_data), dtype="float32")
 50        result = model.transcribe(audio=audio)
 51        texts = result['text']
 52        tproc      = round(time.time() - stime, 3)
 53        response   = {"text": ' '.join(texts), "proc_duration": tproc, "status": "success"}
 55    except Exception as e:
 56        response   = {"Error": str(e), "status": "failed"}
 57        logger.error("-> Errror :" + str(e))
 59    return web.json_response(response)
 61def token_auth_middleware(user_loader: Callable,
 62                    request_property: str = 'user',
 63                    auth_scheme: str = 'Token',
 64                    exclude_routes: Tuple = tuple(),
 65                    exclude_methods: Tuple = tuple()) -> Coroutine:
 66  """
 67  Checks a auth token and adds a user from user_loader in request.
 68  """
 69  @web.middleware
 70  async def middleware(request, handler):
 71      try               : scheme, token = request.headers['Authorization'].strip().split(' ')
 72      except KeyError   : raise web.HTTPUnauthorized(reason='Missing authorization header',)
 73      except ValueError : raise web.HTTPForbidden(reason='Invalid authorization header',)
 75      if auth_scheme.lower() != scheme.lower():
 76          raise web.HTTPForbidden(reason='Invalid token scheme',)
 78      user = await user_loader(token)
 79      if user : request[request_property] = user
 80      else    : raise web.HTTPForbidden(reason='Token doesn\'t exist')
 81      return await handler(request)
 82  return middleware
 84async def init():
 85  """
 86  Init web application.
 87  """
 88  async def user_loader(token: str):
 89    user = {'uuid': 'fake-uuid'} if token in conf["server"]["http"]["allowed_tokens"] else None
 90    return user
 92  app = web.Application(client_max_size=conf["server"]["http"]["request_max_size"],
 93                middlewares=[token_auth_middleware(user_loader)])
 95  app.router.add_route('GET', '/ping', ping)
 96  app.router.add_route('GET', '/stt', stt)
 97  return app
 99if __name__ == '__main__':
100  web.run_app(init(),)


The previous code when executed will start a server running on http://localhost:8080/. To test your server, you can use curl curl -H 'Authorization: Token token1' http://localhost:8080/ping (note that you will need to pass a token as specified in the config and code). As for the transcription function, this can be tested by passing the audio file to transcribe using curl -X POST --data-binary @WAVEFILENAME.wav

Alternatively, you can use Postman, which is a tool for developers to design, build and test their APIs. For this, you will need to create you GET request, specify the API/server link, add your wave file to transcribe to the body (as binary) and you will need to specify your token in the headers. This can be done under the authorization tab, choose OAuth 2.0 as type, then set the "Access Token" to an allowed token (specify this in the config) "Header Prefix" to Token (this is the same as defined in def token_auth_middleware(.. auth_scheme: str = 'Token'..)).


Figure 20: Postman authorization config#

The server reponses should look as follows:

  • Ping response: {"text": "pong", "status": "success"}

  • Stt response: {"text": "transcription", "proc_duration": 0.xxx , "status": "success"}


This blog built on top of the previous posts (Basic aiohttp server and Token authenticated aiohttp server) to deliver an ASR authenticated server based on whisper.

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Updated on 27 Dezember 2022

👨‍💻 edited and review were on 27.12.2022