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Source code for spafe.fbanks.bark_fbanks
- Description : Bark filter banks implementation.
- Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Ayoub Malek.
This source code is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
For a copy, see <https://github.com/SuperKogito/spafe/blob/master/LICENSE>.
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from ..utils.converters import hz2bark, bark2hz, BarkConversionApproach
from ..utils.exceptions import ParameterError, ErrorMsgs
from ..utils.filters import scale_fbank, ScaleType
[docs]def Fm(fb: float, fc: float) -> float:
Compute a Bark filter around a certain center frequency in bark [Hermansky]_.
fb (float): frequency in Bark.
fc (float): center frequency in Bark.
(float) : associated Bark filter value/amplitude.
if (fb - fc < -1.3) or (2.5 < fb - fc):
return 0
elif -1.3 <= fb - fc <= -0.5:
return 10 ** (2.5 * (fb - fc + 0.5))
elif -0.5 < fb - fc < 0.5:
return 1
# if 0.5 <= fb - fc <= 2.5:
return 10 ** (-1 * (fb - fc - 0.5))
[docs]def bark_filter_banks(
nfilts: int = 24,
nfft: int = 512,
fs: int = 16000,
low_freq: float = 0,
high_freq: Optional[float] = None,
scale: ScaleType = "constant",
conversion_approach: BarkConversionApproach = "Wang",
Compute Bark filter banks. The filters are stored in the rows, the columns
correspond to fft bins.
nfilts (int) : the number of filters in the filter bank.
(Default is 20).
nfft (int) : the FFT size.
(Default is 512).
fs (int) : sample rate/ sampling frequency of the signal.
(Default 16000 Hz).
low_freq (float) : lowest band edge of mel filters.
(Default 0 Hz).
high_freq (float) : highest band edge of mel filters.
(Default is fs/2).
scale (str) : monotonicity behavior of the filter banks.
(Default is "constant").
conversion_approach (str) : bark scale conversion approach.
(Default is "Wang").
(tuple) :
- (numpy.ndarray) : array of size nfilts * (nfft/2 + 1) containing filter bank. Each row holds 1 filter.
- (numpy.ndarray) : array of center frequencies
- if low_freq < 0 OR high_freq > (fs / 2)
- :code:`scale` : can take the following options ["constant", "ascendant", "descendant"].
- :code:`conversion_approach` : can take the following options ["Tjomov","Schroeder", "Terhardt", "Zwicker", "Traunmueller", "Wang"].
Note that the use of different options than the ddefault can lead to unexpected behavior/issues.
.. [Hermansky] Hermansky, H. “Perceptual linear predictive (PLP) analysis of speech.”
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87 4 (1990): 1738-52
doi: 10.1121/1.399423. PMID: 2341679.
.. plot::
import numpy as np
from spafe.utils.converters import bark2hz
from spafe.utils.vis import show_fbanks
from spafe.fbanks.bark_fbanks import bark_filter_banks
# init var
fs = 8000
nfilt = 7
nfft = 1024
low_freq = 0
high_freq = fs / 2
# compute freqs for xaxis
bhz_freqs = np.linspace(low_freq, high_freq, nfft //2+1)
for scale, label in [("constant", ""), ("ascendant", "Ascendant "), ("descendant", "Descendant ")]:
# bark fbanks
bark_fbanks_mat, bark_freqs = bark_filter_banks(nfilts=nfilt,
# visualize filter bank
[bark2hz(freq) for freq in bark_freqs],
label + "Bark Filter Bank",
x1label="Frequency / Hz",
x2label="Frequency / bark",
figsize=(14, 5),
See Also:
- :py:func:`spafe.fbanks.gammatone_fbanks.gammatone_filter_banks`
- :py:func:`spafe.fbanks.linear_fbanks.linear_filter_banks`
- :py:func:`spafe.fbanks.mel_fbanks.mel_filter_banks`
# init freqs
high_freq = high_freq or fs / 2
# run checks
if low_freq < 0:
raise ParameterError(ErrorMsgs["low_freq"])
if high_freq > (fs / 2):
raise ParameterError(ErrorMsgs["high_freq"])
# compute points evenly spaced in Bark scale (points are in Bark)
low_bark = hz2bark(low_freq, conversion_approach)
high_bark = hz2bark(high_freq, conversion_approach)
bark_center_freqs = np.linspace(low_bark, high_bark, nfilts)
# we use fft bins, so we have to convert from Bark to fft bin number
bins = np.floor(
(nfft + 1) * (bark2hz(freq, conversion_approach) / fs)
for freq in bark_center_freqs
fbank = np.zeros([nfilts, nfft // 2 + 1])
for j in range(0, nfilts):
for i in range(int(bins[0]), int(bins[nfilts - 1])):
fc = bark_center_freqs[j]
fb = hz2bark((i * fs) / (nfft + 1), conversion_approach)
fbank[j, i] = Fm(fb, fc)
# compute scaling
scaling = scale_fbank(scale=scale, nfilts=nfilts)
fbank = fbank * scaling
return fbank, bark_center_freqs