Welcome to pydiogment’s documentation!#

Pydiogment (python audio augmentation) aims to simplify audio augmentation. It generates multiple audio files based on a starting mono audio file. The library can generates files with higher speed, slower, and different tones etc.
pydiogment is built using Python3 and it requires the following:
Python packages:
Pydiogment also requires FFmpeg, which you can install using:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
If you already have a working installation of numpy and scipy, you can simply install pydiogment using pip:
pip install pydiogment
To update an exisiting pydiogment version use:
pip install -U pydiogment
- @software{ayoubmalek2020,
author = {Ayoub Malek}, title = {pydiogment/pydiogment: 0.1.0}, month = Apr, year = 2020, version = {0.1.2}, url = {https://github.com/SuperKogito/spafe}