Program Listing for File trafo_istft.h

Return to documentation for file (fastft/include/trafo_istft.h)


#include <fftw3.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "pad.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "signal.h"

typedef struct {
    int win;
    int hop;
    int nfft;
    fftwf_plan plan;
    fftwf_complex *istft_in;
    float *istft_out;
    float *wnd;
    float *window_sum;
} IstftStruct;

void istft_init(IstftStruct *istft_struct, int n_fft, int reconstructed_signal_length, int win_length, int hop_length);

void istft_compute(IstftStruct* istft_struct, fftwf_complex *stft_values, float *reconstructed_signal, int reconstructed_signal_length, int num_frames, int num_bins);

void istft_clean(IstftStruct *istft_struct);

// Function to normalize an array based on its maximum absolute value
void normalize_array(float *arr, int length, float max_value);

// Function to find the maximum absolute value in an array
float get_max(const float *arr, int length);
