.. superkogito documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 4 18:32:55 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Home ==== .. meta:: :description: This is the homepage of Ayoub Malek's blog and website :keywords: Ayoub Malek, Ayoub, Malek, Ayoub Malek Blog, Ayoub Malek Website, SuperKogito, Ayoub SuperKogito :author: Ayoub Malek .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :hidden: index projects blog about Welcome to my personal website and blog 💙 List of posts -------------- .. postlist:: 10 :author: Ayoub Malek :language: en :date: %Y-%m-%d :format: {date} {title} :list-style: circle Publications ------------ - Malek, A., (2023). Spafe: Simplified python audio features extraction. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(81), 4739, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04739 Libraries --------- .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 0 * - `Spafe`_ - spafe aims to simplify features extractions from mono audio files. The library can extract of the following features: BFCC, LFCC, LPC, LPCC, MFCC, IMFCC, MSRCC, NGCC, PNCC, PSRCC, PLP, RPLP, Frequency-stats etc. It also provides various filterbank modules (Mel, Bark and Gammatone filterbanks) and other spectral statistics. * - `Pydiogment`_ - Pydiogment aims to simplify audio augmentation. It generates multiple audio files based on a starting mono audio file. The library can generates files with higher speed, slower, and different tones etc. .. _`Spafe`: https://superkogito.github.io/spafe .. _`Pydiogment`: https://superkogito.github.io/pydiogment